Lyn Carson at Sydney University, Australia
Active democracy: Citizen participation in decision making
Brian Martin, Woolongong, Australia Demarchy; random selection of decision makers 21st Century dialogue, Perth Australia community engagement through (randomly selected) small group interaction Sortition The London-based Society for Democracy including Random Selection Callenbach & Phillips A modest proposal for the random selection of legislators (1985) Allot a democratic House of Lords Allot (select at random) a group to form a Citizen's Jury. The Athenian solution (1998) Barnett & Carthy of DEMOS think-thank proposed a randomly selected House of Lords Sortition various links Proposals to amending constitutions and laws to make use of various forms of sortititon. la Stochocratie est non seulement l'évolution de la démocratie, mais en fait un retour aux sources! Return to home page